
After you’re hurt working on a construction site, you may understand that you should pursue compensation for your injuries and that the law provides various avenues for doing just that. However, would you know which statutes and/or regulations to select as part of your lawsuit for compensation for your construction injury? Many options for success come with many opportunities to make a mistake that can harm or doom your case. Make sure you’re not in that position by retaining the services of a knowledgeable New York City construction injury attorney.

A lawsuit filed by a construction worker at JFK Airport was an illustration of many of these options. C.M. was a construction worker who was hurt in August 2014. According to the worker, he and a co-worker were carrying a wooden floor panel that weighed roughly 150 pounds when C.M. stepped on a piece of plywood that covered a hole in the sidewalk. The plywood gave way and C.M.’s knee slammed into the ground.

The worker sued for his injuries. In his lawsuit, he asserted that he was entitled to receive compensation based upon violations of three different statutes. Asserting as many different valid arguments as possible can be a wise approach to your case. The more plausible arguments you provide as bases for compensation, the more chances you may have for a successful outcome. Even if the court rules against you on one or two of your claims, your remaining claim or claims may be sufficient to get you the damages award you need.